I am a 30 something mother of two children. My daughter is 11 and my son is 8. I am a busy mom with being a mom, wife, working, church activities, karting the kids around, etc. I am not a writer but a computer tech. I'm shy but outgoing if I have to be. I talk loud :) I like sitting in my recliner and watching TV even though I can't do that much and especially not now since we are trying to more active in the family. I don't think I could make it without my DVR because I can barely stay up past 10pm.
I had another blog several years ago but didn't keep up with it. The only reason I started this blog is to get a story out there of a mother trying to help her daughter.
I hate taking pictures but I will find a decent one to put here. It may take me some time and it may end up being my wedding picture from 1999.