Even though I was worried that she wouldn't lose anything this week, she lost 4 pounds! This makes her total loss, in the 6 weeks of starting the program, 7.5 pounds! YAY!
Not only the weight loss, I have seen other changes in her. When she does run, she is not totally out of breath as she was before, she does not have as big of an appetite, she is not always asking for seconds except when we have one of my really delicious meals :), she is starting to make her own healthy choices and think about what she eats, and I know her body is doing a happy dance inside.
Usually we don't find out their weight loss until the middle of the parent meeting but this time my daughter called me in because she was excited. When she told me, I got really excited and told her great job. I also shook her head, which she hates loves. The nurse and exercise lady, as usual, looked at me like I was a little crazy. They should be used to my over excitement by now:) I am the same way every time my daughter tells me something she does well. I think the extra encouragement is important.
So, after my pity party last week...we stayed on track and lost 4 pounds. Note: I only did the pity party in the post, not at all to her.
You know how on the "Biggest Loser", the people will have a few great weeks and then one week they lose nothing but the next week they lose 55 pounds? That's how it felt yesterday.
Since my daughter lost the most in the group and reached a 5 pound mark, she got a prize. She picked a water bottle. Also, the kids signed a contract in the beginning of April to not eat more than 3 "WHOA" foods a week and the parents would get them a reward. She did this and now I have to buy her a doll. Luckily it's pay week. LOL
I lost 3 pounds this month. I have to get it together. LOL
And we did do No Electronics Day yesterday but I will write that in another post.
I am sharing this post with Let's be Friends Friday at Bees With Honey!
I am sharing this post with Let's be Friends Friday at Bees With Honey!
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